Captain’s Column
As the new Commanding Officer, I wanted to share my thoughts from my first weeks on the job.
I want to start by again thanking the entire NASCC and Corpus Christi community for an exceptional welcome for me and my family. It did not take me long to appreciate that this is a special place with exceptional people.
I’ve also been able to tour our NASCC facilities and learn about our infrastructure challenges.
Aging buildings, hurricane damage, high heat and humidity, and limited budgets are all putting stress on our facilities. I have challenged our staff to ensure that we optimize the limited funds and resources we have through smart planning and effective communication.
We are striving to prioritize and attack our infrastructure needs in the smartest way possible, and we recognize the constant need for effective communication with our base tenants and work force so that everyone understands the plan and nobody feels forgotten.
We currently have several projects under way, including continued hurricane damage repairs, airfield taxiway/runway repairs, a waterline redundancy project, and a new security enclave for the CCAD complex.
For those last two projects, I am particularly grateful to the City of Corpus Christi and the South Texas Military Facilities Task Force for their generous assistance. Additionally, our NEX gas station’s diesel service will be back in service soon, as will our golf course snack bar.
Many other projects have recently been funded and will begin soon. Our base will continue to be a busy place!
My team and I will need your feedback in order to keep up with the infrastructure needs of our base population. I also ask that you be patient with us as we do our best to meet each need with the appropriate level of manpower and funding based on competing priorities.
The talented and dedicated professionals of the NASCC team are on the case and working their hardest to take care of your needs.
With all of us working together toward a common goal, we can make lasting improvements that will lead to better pilot training, better helicopter repair, stronger security, and improved quality of life.
I can’t think of a better enterprise to be a part of than that!