Captain’s Column
In one week, we will hear the roar of jets overhead as the Navy’s Premier Demonstration Team, the Blue Angels, arrive to headline the 2019 Wings Over South Texas Air Show.
Blue Angel #7 arrives Wednesday, April 10, and the rest of the crew arrives Thursday.
Most of the other aerobatic acts will also arrive then too.
We will have a full slate of performers and static displays of old and new aircraft. My staff has been working for months to put on a terrific air show.
We are looking forward to opening our gates and allowing our community partners, the general public, and aviation enthusiasts young and old alike to share in this exciting event.
During the weekend of 13-14 April, the U.S. Navy’s Blue Angels will return to the skies above Corpus Christi as our feature act!
Other military performers include the U. S. Air Force’s A-10 C Thunderbolt II Demonstration Team, U.S. Army’s Silver Wings, and the U.S. Coast Guard MH-65 Dolphin and HC-144 Ocean Sentry conducting a Search and Rescue demonstration.
We are proud of our heritage and our military.
Air show attendees will be able to see first-hand the remarkable equipment used, and the skills demonstrated, by our country’s finest every day.
There is also a full line-up of civilian acts that will perform, including World Freestyle Champion Rob Holland in his MXS/RH, Randy Ball in his MiG 17F, Skip Stewart in his PITTS S2S, Jerry Conley and his de Havilland Vampire jet fighter, and more!
All performances, both military and civilian, are executed with ultimate precision and are the result of years of training and practice.
I know you will be impressed by what you see.
The air show will be held on the sea wall behind the Corpus Christi Army Depot (CCAD) hangars again this year.
Show site will open at 9 a.m. and the aerobatics will begin about noon.
Dozens of static displays and dozens of food trucks will dot the sea wall – there will be plenty to see and do.
Our goal during this action-packed weekend is to provide something for everyone.
I look forward to seeing you, and hope you enjoy our show!