Annual Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society fund drive kicks off
The annual Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS) Active Duty Fund Drive (ADFD) officially kicked off March 1, and runs through the end of the month.
The ADFD serves two primary purposes: to raise awareness of the programs and services available to active duty Sailors and Marines; and to raise funds to support the programs and services offered by the NMCRS.
The goal for this year’s drive is to raise $12.5 million worldwide.
The overall mission of NMCRS is to provide financial, educational and other assistance to members of the Naval Service of the United States, eligible family members, and survivors when in need; and to receive and manage funds to administer these programs.
NMCRS does not receive government funding and depends upon the support of active duty and retired Sailors and Marines to help those in need at home and around the globe.
Your contributions support interest-free loans and grants for shipmates facing financial challenges, including those who have been displaced by natural disasters and those who are dealing with family emergencies.
In 2018, NMCRS provided $43 million in financial assistance to Sailors, Marines and their families throughout the fleet. Often the financial assistance provided by NMCRS is the lifeline that makes the difference for Navy and Marine families and keeps Sailors and Marines focused on the mission when an unforeseen financial crisis exceeds their ability to make ends meet.
In 2018, the local NMCRS office at NAS Corpus Christi provided more than $119,000 in assistance to their clients in the Corpus Christi and Kingsville areas. The 2018 ADFD generated approximately $60,000 from the same area, so every contribution helps.
“I encourage all who are able to consider making a contribution and take full advantage of this annual opportunity to help our shipmates in need,” said ACC Christopher Reed, NASCC ADFD coordinator.
“Your support of the Active Duty Fund Drive provides shipmates financial support when their family has trouble making ends meet.”
For more information on the NMCRS ADFD, contact Reed at or visit
To find out more about the programs NMCRS offers, NAS Corpus Christi offices are located on the 5th deck of the Naval Health Clinic (Bldg. 100). Their hours are 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
You can reach them at 361-961-3482 or
For assistance outside of normal operating hours, contact the San Antonio office at 210-221-1875.