MWR eyes future renovations, improved experience at Lighthouse Lanes

     Anyone who has stopped by Lighthouse Lanes bowling center on NAS Corpus Christi recently may have noticed the extensive renovations that have been done to the facility over the past year.
     The renovations are part of an ongoing effort to better serve Morale Welfare and Recreation (MWR) patrons and their guests at one of only two bowling alleys in the Corpus Christi area.
     “In the past year or so we’ve gotten new furniture and the floor was redone to make it easier for people to walk on,” said Andy Heustis, MWR business activity manager. “We’ve also increased the amount of stairways leading down to the playing area from two to three and added in two ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) approved ramps to allow access for wheelchairs.”
     A new interactive scoring system was also installed to allow for improved bowler interaction and on-lane customer experience, and the scoring monitors above each lane are being replaced with 49-inch screens.
      Heustis is looking to improve the facility even further in the coming year.
      “We’re hoping to get some new masking above the lanes in the back, upgrade the ball returns and also get some artwork painted on the walls,” said Heustis. “We also plan to resurface the approaches for each lane.”
      In addition to renovating the look and feel of the facility, MWR is trying to rekindle the interest in hosting parties or command functions at the facility.
      “We’re trying to get birthday parties started again,” said Heustis. “We had a few command parties over the holidays, but we’re looking into getting the birthday party program going again.”
      Another great way to enjoy all that Lighthouse Lanes has to offer is to form a bowling league. There are currently two leagues in action, but there is plenty of room to add more.
      “Right now we have a senior league on Wednesday and a children’s league that comes in each Saturday,” said Heustis,.“But we would love to see more leagues come in here on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday nights.”
      To get a league up and running, interested parties must first contact the Lighthouse Lanes to get the process started. The leagues must set their own bylaws, have their leadership in place and field their teams.
      Even those who do not normally have access to the installation can apply for a league, but they must first go through a security background check in order to gain base access for their league nights. Once they have completed the background checks, MWR will take care of their bowling needs.
      “They need to go through security and get the background checks completed, then once cleared the come to us and we provide them with lanes, bowling balls, shoes, whatever they need,” said Leonides Curiel, Lighthouse Lanes bowling center manager. “We make sure to have the lanes oiled up prior to each league night and we provide the bowlers with 10 minutes of practice time prior to the games”.
      The Lighthouse Lanes bowling center is open Tuesday through Thursday from 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. and Friday and Saturday from 1-10 p.m. Cosmic Bowling takes place on Friday and Saturday nights from 5 p.m. until closing. Active duty members in uniform can bowl free Tuesday through Thursday from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. For more information on Lighthouse Lanes, or starting a bowling league, visit the MWR webpage at ""> or call (361) 961-3805.