Share the road: look twice for motorcycles

As motorcyclists take to Texas roadways this spring, the Texas Department of Transportation is urging drivers to look twice for motorcycles as part of National Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month in May. TxDOT’s Share the Road: Look Twice for Motorcycles statewide safety and public awareness campaign aims to decrease fatal motorcycle crashes. On average, a motorcyclist dies every day in a crash on Texas roads. In 2017, 501 motorcyclists were killed in Texas motorcycle crashes, and another 2,101 riders were seriously injured. Motorcycles are small, they’re hard to see, and it can be difficult to judge their speed and distance. TxDOT asks drivers to safely share the road with motorcyclists by following these tips: * Look twice for motorcycles, especially at intersections. * Always assume motorcycles are closer than they appear to be, and avoid turning in front of an oncoming motorcycle. * Use turn signals and check blind spots before changing lanes. * Give motorcyclists a full lane. * Obey posted speed limits.