Have you met? …. Rachel Pon
Rachel Pon is the barista at the coffee shop located at the NASCC Library and Resource Center. She serves Starbucks coffee with a smile, in addition to some fresh food and drink items stocked daily from the Flight Deck. Pon says one of the things she likes most about her job is that she gets to meet new people. “Talking and getting to know the customers is fun.” Pon has been working with Morale, Welfare and Recreation for nearly two years. She’s been a barista at the coffee shop for about a year, and says that she knows “her regulars’” coffee orders. So, in the mornings, when it is the busiest, she manages just fine. “When the ‘regulars’ come in, I see their faces and remember what they drink,” Pon says. When she’s not working, the oldest of four says that she likes to cook, draw and do arts and crafts. And, she is planning to start classes at Del Mar College in the fall. Pon is a native of Lubbock, Texas, who moved to Corpus Christi with her family about two years ago when her father was transferred to Naval Health Clinic Corpus Christi. She adds that her mother also works for MWR at the Catalina Club. Pon says that she likes being a military child because of the travel. “The traveling and experiences has helped make me who I am.” What’s her favorite coffee drink? “My favorite coffee is white mocha chocolate,” though she adds that lately she has been drinking a lot of the Americano coffees. Visit Pon at the coffee shop, open Monday through Friday from 6:30 to 10 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.