Chaplain’s Column

Seen Jesus lately?

Seen Jesus lately?

If so, where did you see Him last? If not, why not?

Has He not risen from the dead?

Did we not just celebrate His Resurrection two weeks ago and, hopefully, still celebrating it throughout the Easter Season and beyond?

If you have not seen Him, maybe it could be that you are not looking for Him or do not know how to recognize Him? How can we learn to recognize Jesus more clearly and often in our daily rounds?

Let me make a few suggestions.

Spend time every morning, first thing, reading and meditating on His gospels. Ponder each of the stories, asking what the specific lesson is this new day – what is the “take away” word or phrase He wants us to reflect on throughout the day and put into action.

Doing this faithfully each day, we will become more like Him and hopefully others will recognize Him within us. We will also grow in our capacity to recognize Jesus in all the people that cross our path in a given day.

Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament is great way to grow in our own transformation into Jesus as well as to improve our ability to recognize Jesus is our brothers and sisters within His body, the church. Adoration is a “spiritual radiation treatment” which heals, strengthens, purifies and transforms our hearts and souls, day by day, moment by moment!

Another very great way to grow in our capacity to recognize the Him in our midst is by going to Mass as often as we possibly can; daily, if at all possible. There is no better way to grow in personal holiness and become more capable of recognizing Him within others as well as within ourselves.

Our prayer life, if it is genuine, will lead us to serve those most in need, beginning in our families and communities. As we step out in faith and charity to serve the needy among us, we will grow in our capacity to recognize Him within them. Jesus tells us in Matthew 25: 31 –“Whatsoever you did to the least of my brethren, you did it to me.”

Seen Jesus lately?

If not, why not experiment with some of the possible ways of Him, which have been suggested to you in this article. You have nothing to lose, yet everything to gain, including God himself!